Screen printing is a printmaking technique that creates a sharp-edged image using a stencil and a porous fabric. Golden specializes in this craft and your artwork can be altered for silkscreening. To understand our silkscreening process please read through the following steps.
Our Screen Printing Process
The graphic designer takes your approved artwork and it is then color separated
The graphic designer then creates a separate film for each color in the present artwork
Each film containing each color is then exposed (UV light) onto a prepared screen
The screen printer takes the completed screen or screens, depending on the number of colors, and slides each into a manual or automatic press
The screen printer then places each color of ink on the top of each screen. These colors have to be selected by the screen printer and sometimes have to be mixed. The more colors used the longer the printing time
Next, a squeegee (rubber blade) is used to push the ink evenly through the screen onto your textile product
Finally, your silk-screened item is then place through a dryer, folded, packaged and shipped to you
Please note that printing on dark textiles require a white under base that has to be flashed (heat dried) and then all the other colors are printed on top of this. Light textiles require no under base and take less time. Due to this, prices are based on the number of colors and quantity ordered. Please contact one of our sales representatives to receive a quote.

Golden Silkscreening & Embroidery
25 Dominion Crescent
Lakeside Industrial Park
Halifax, NS, B3T 1M3
Toll Free: 1 800 565 1548
Telephone: 902 876 8888
Fax: 902 876 0395